It’s Good Friday, and it’s sunny, I have been out a couple of times this week as the weather seems to be drying up at last !!! The journey Murielle had a bee in her Easter bonnet, she has been
Out of the Stable, at last !!!
I’m out…. I have been cooped up under my tent’s canvas for about a month… in fact since the February 2cv de jersey Club run…. Booooring ! a serious lack of fun, oh I know there has been some excitement
February Club run
Not a good start of the day I had a rude awakening in the middle of the night when the cord holding the canvas over my shelter snapped and the front of the shelter started slipping off the roof. 🙁
Mad owners
What can I say? They are well matched that for sure, he’s tall, she’s short, he’s lean, she’s not so lean, he’s quiet, she’s noisy….. But one thing is for sure they are as mad as each other and life
A cheeky run between showers
Rain did someone say rain? Well at first there was Abigail, then Barney, then Desmond… I forgot which one started with C and then stopped remembering the names… Storms keep battering Jersey. Although I hate being cooped up in my
Boxing day 2015
Freedom at last !!! I have been cooped up in my tent-garage for at least 4 days… I was not happy, no one even came out of the house to wish me a Merry Christmas… I was sulking big time
Christmas Cheers
It started yesterday…. I knew something was up yesterday when Murielle took me away from my tent to park me in front of the house. She finally decided to clean me! She has grown lazy in the winter months and
Fame !!!
I’m gonna be famous !!! Well, nearly… Murielle entered a picture of me she took in August in the Surfing photo-shoot in the “Picture Jersey competition” organized by Luxury Hotels, Jersey Evening Post and sponsored by Jersey Post. She was
Shiny !!!
I’m home… Murielle came to pick me up from CVS valeting this morning, and I was pleased to see her, I was so shiny that she couldn’t help snapping a picture of the sparkly me. I am sure you will
Neurotic owner
I’ve ran away from home…. No, only joking, but i’ve decided to stay on a sleep over at CVS valeting. So i’m not at home, it’s my second night away, and I wonder how Murielle is coping? Murielle is getting