Titinne’s services were required as an ambulance service…
A summer wedding
Rub a dub dub… It started with a rub a dub dub, I didn’t get 3 men in a tub with me because there wasn’t any tub involved, but… I did get a rub, a full wash, soap and dry
Glamping time
Titinne decided to try out glamping and threw a tantrum in the middle of a popular camping week end.
Bretonne 2018
A first time for everything Out of the garage I knew something strange was afoot when I got taken from my garage on the Thursday evening ( yes, on a school night). And needless to say I wasn’t too happy
Tantrums don’t always pay off…
It’s club day today and I am feeling a bit testy… I haven’t been out last week end, even though the weather has been glorious ( I can see through the garage door, I have X-ray vision, you know), after
An autumn drive
Titinne makes the most of the sun shining on an October Sunday in Jersey
French cousins
French Invasion Friday evening 43 cars from the 2cv club de Fougeres (FF2) drove out of the St Malo ferry and headed to town for the night. Of course, Murielle having liaised with them over the last few months knew
Wedding car
It all started… A little bit less than a year ago when the 2cv club de Jersey received a Facebook message from the bride to be asking if someone would be interested to be her wedding car. She was looking
Belles of the ball
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Is it Titinne or is it the Prom queens?