It’s club day today and I am feeling a bit testy… I haven’t been out last week end, even though the weather has been glorious ( I can see through the garage door, I have X-ray vision, you know), after all, I am the child of a transformer!
Murielle came to pick me up early, for a Sunday morning, 8:30 sharp, she was opening the door and taking me home, in front of the house. Once there, (miracle never cease) she got the bucket out and proceeded to give me a good hand bath …. followed by a complete waxing… Oh it felt SO good !!!
But the silly woman forgot to wash the wheels and only remembered after she finished waxing so she didn’t do them properly (can’t get the staff … hum owner, these days!).
Oh well, it was nice to be pampered over 3 hours… makes a change to being left languishing gin the garage because my owner was planning ( and celebrating) her birthday last week! She should get her priorities right. The pampering session didn’t mean that she was forgiven though…
However, the introduction to BuzzBee, Chris’ new 2cv, well that went a little bit towards forgiveness. He is a handsome boy indeed, sorry Elmer, long distance relationships are not for me after all, and now I have someone closer, you’ve been replaced mate 🤒.
Apparently Chris built Buzzbee back from card board boxes, and ordered him a new body shell and body parts, he had a complete respray and change of colour and is lucky enough to have Chris’ magic hands tinkering with him every day. As much as I have fallen under Buzzbee’s charm, I am also very jealous of his relationship with Chris who doesn’t drive me anymore 😪
Eventually we took off, I think Murielle wanted to take pictures of us both, and we drove past the festival of motoring, beeping & waving at friends who were exhibiting their cars and ended up in the town car park to meet up with the other 2cvs from the club. I am no longer the shiniest, I am so sad to report that, my queen’s status has been usurped by Millie who has just had a new interior fitted, and was shining as much as me. Buzzbee, also got more attention, I am not sure I am OK with that.
Off we went in convoy along the avenue towards the West of the island, I decided to leave the convoy (to see if Buzzbee would follow me – and it worked, he did) to get more air in my right tyre who was deflating (I changed my tyres last week and they are new). That’s when I decided to throw one of the biggest tantrum ever… I refused to start again! Chris pushed me from the air station to the pump, Murielle filled me up (my tank was only 1/2 empty) and I still refused to start. They tried to start me for about 20 minutes, and in the end, Chris decided to go grab a tow rope from the garage shop. Murielle hates being towed… she really, really hates it… so I left this sink in her little head and stew there for a while, and when she gave a last try in desperation, I relented and started the engine. You should have seen her running to the shop to tell Chris that I had started and he didn’t need the tow rope after all!
Once started, she put the pedal to the metal, and made me fly up the hill and took me straight back home… I missed my monthly drive !!! And to add insult to injury, she didn’t even look back when she parked me and she jumped straight into Buzzbee passenger seat to go to meet up with MY friends…. I even heard Chris saying I needed a good spanking! What the hell just happened???