They arrived in the post about 3 months ago, I saw the postman delivering them and Chris and Murielle opening the tube to look at them. And then? what did they do with it? Put the tube aside for 3 months !!! Unbelievable, whislt I felt naked and incomplete, they took their sweet time and did nothing !
Oh yeah they had ordered and received the decals but now please pretty please I need them on my doors…. After all I am only half a dolly with my decals…
But this week end, they decided to bite the bullet… Murielle gave me a wash and dry to shake the dust of my body work. Priming me for our resident ‘expert’ Chris to do his magic with the decals.
The air was blue around our resident expert Chris as the decals seemed to take a life of their own and insisted in creating bubbles and not sliding out of place…. Thankfully, the Misstress of Zen, Murielle ( It’s really amazing how I managed to chill out this one) suggested the use of sprayed water & washing up liquid…
Suggestion accepted and the nice new shiny red decals were applied to my doors… Woohoo I now have my livery amd look like a decent Dolly…
Next week i’ve been told that I am in for a treat, and going to have an acrylic veneer applied to my body work, and then buffed up by the valeting team…. Oh I do like being pampered and kept in a manner Iam accustomed to.