Beautiful day
It’s a gorgeous day today in Jersey, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, no clouds in the sky, the perfect day for a chilled drive out. And right on cue, i feel my cover being lifted and rolled away, giving me fresh air to breathe.
Murielle behind the wheel, we set off to refill my tank as I was getting thirsty… well standing still for long amount of time tends to do that to me… hint, hint, take me out more often humans !
House hunting
My humans have finally seen sense and agreed to put their house on the market to find somewhere with a garage for me, it only took them 4 years to arrive to this natural conclusion. It wasn’t for lack of prompting on my part. So with a tankful, off we went to scout out a few places that had spotted on the estate agents’ websites. So off to the countryside we went, looking out for estate agents’ signs. The one house they had in mind, they had been looking at it on the website for a long time. To get there, I had to go on the smaller green lanes of the islands, hooting away happily round very bend to make sure no one was coming in the opposite direction. Reversed in the entrance of a field once to let a car go through…
The humans decided that getting there was too much bother, regardless of how nice the garage was, as Murielle isn’t a very good night driver she couldn’t see herself getting home from work in the dark of winter through those roads. So nice garage discarded… darn it !
They are still looking though, they had found the perfect garage for me and sleeping pad for them but it slipped through their fingers… This put Murielle in a foul mood, and even driving me didn’t manage to soothe her.
And the air was blue
Usually, I can tame the beast, put any grumpy old git behind my steering wheel and they end up beaming with joy within 5 minutes. Not this time, Murielle kept swearing, and shouting “idiots” and other unrepeatable words at cars that were cutting in front of me or driving in an erratic fashion. And as my roof was open, I cringed every time someone could hear her !!! Shame on her…. Even Chris commented on the fact that she was suffering from the road rage syndrome, and the poor guy got told he got a taste of his own medicine for once… Poor bloke he soon kept quiet.
To make matters worse, I could not stop at the ice cream van to try to get her something sweet (and may be improved her mood) as the car park was full and the queue was huge… We flew past it and went straight home….
This was a funny (peculiar) kind of ride…