I am special, in fact I am car royalty so I should be treated with the respect I am due… But no, oh no! I have been left to languish under cover for the last 3 weeks. I got so fed up that I pierced a hole in the cover with my peek so I could peep out with one eye to see the world go by.
So this morning, when my lady in waiting deigned uncover me, and only bothered giving me a quick dab down with a sponge to absorb the dampness instead of a full shampoo and wax, I saw red. Never mind that she was in a rush because she had to go to her “day” job (apparently, that’s where she gets to money to keep me in the manner I am accustomed to), I decided to let her know how I felt.
Key in the ignition, stoke on, crank, starter motor gets going, but no, I’m NOT starting, once, twice, thrice…. Let see how long she takes before she starts to beg…. Again, she tries, and three times I fart… oh pardon me for using coarse language, a lady doesnt’ fart, let alone a princess… Lets just say that my exhaust emitted a loud noise for propriety’s sake.
Now the cajoling and promises are coming out, followed by intensive begging (lots of “please”, and “I’m going to be late for work”) but I am so crossed that I will not relent. The next attempt to start me up ends up with a very loud bang under the bonnet. I think this was it for Murielle who dared swearing whilst behind my steering wheel (she is so common) and then stormed out to get the keys of the Peugeot who started on the button.
I didn’t realise that today was club day, so my tantrum meant that I missed the start of the meeting and the convoy, the Peugeot went in my place. How could she ?!?
In the meanwhile, Chris had put my air filter back in place (source of my loud tantrum) and got me going on first crank. What can I say, he is my favourite man servant, great hands that make me purr with a single stroke! I cannot resist him…. So when Murielle came home I had calmed down and agreed to drive both of them to the windmill in St Mary to catch up with my sisters. It was a lovely day for a gentle drive after all…